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일본 프로젝트를 수행하는 과정에서 몇 가지 프로그램에 필요한 데이타를 실행 파일 경로에 두는 것이 아니라
"All Users" 폴더에 두는 것으로 결정이 나서,
C# 인스톨 프로그램에서 "All Uses" 폴더를 가져오는게 어려웠는데... 역시나 검색으로써 해결했습니다.
아래는 원본
I have learned the answer to my question through other sources, yes, yes! Sadly, it didn't fix my problem! What's that make me -- a fixer-upper? Yes, yes!
To put stuff in a sub-directory of the Common Application Data folder from a VS2008 Setup project, here's what you do:
Now it turns out that under Vista, non-Administrators don't get modify/write access to the files in here. So all users get to read the files, but they get that in "\Program Files" as well. So what, I wonder, is the point of the Common Application Data folder?
This here's a re-search project. Re-search means "look again," don't it? Maybe this was something I found once and it got away again. Yes, yes!
무슨 말인고 하니...
아래와 같이 Add Special Folder 메뉴에서 "Custom Folder"를 선택합니다.
그리고나서 속성창에서 DefaultLocation을 [CommonAppDataFolder]로 입력하시고
Poperty를 COMMONDATAFOLDER로 설정하시면 됩니다.
왜 이 부분을 Add Special Folder의 팝업 메뉴에 넣지 않았을까요?
일본 프로젝트를 수행하는 과정에서 몇 가지 프로그램에 필요한 데이타를 실행 파일 경로에 두는 것이 아니라
"All Users" 폴더에 두는 것으로 결정이 나서,
C# 인스톨 프로그램에서 "All Uses" 폴더를 가져오는게 어려웠는데... 역시나 검색으로써 해결했습니다.
아래는 원본
I have learned the answer to my question through other sources, yes, yes! Sadly, it didn't fix my problem! What's that make me -- a fixer-upper? Yes, yes!
To put stuff in a sub-directory of the Common Application Data folder from a VS2008 Setup project, here's what you do:
- Right-click your setup project in the Solution Explorer and pick "View -> File System".
- Right-click "File system on target machine" and pick "Add Special Folder -> Custom Folder".
- Rename the custom folder to "Common Application Data Folder." (This isn't the name that will be used for the resulting folder, it's just to help you keep it straight.)
- Change the folder's DefaultLocation property to "[CommonAppDataFolder][Manufacturer]\[ProductName]". Note the similarity with the DefaultLocation property of the Application Folder, including the odd use of a single backslash.
- Marvel for a moment at the ridiculous (yet undeniable) fact that there is a folder property named "Property." Babies full of rabies, who comes up with this shit?
- Change the folder's Property property to "COMMONAPPDATAFOLDER".
Now it turns out that under Vista, non-Administrators don't get modify/write access to the files in here. So all users get to read the files, but they get that in "\Program Files" as well. So what, I wonder, is the point of the Common Application Data folder?
This here's a re-search project. Re-search means "look again," don't it? Maybe this was something I found once and it got away again. Yes, yes!
무슨 말인고 하니...
아래와 같이 Add Special Folder 메뉴에서 "Custom Folder"를 선택합니다.
그리고나서 속성창에서 DefaultLocation을 [CommonAppDataFolder]로 입력하시고
Poperty를 COMMONDATAFOLDER로 설정하시면 됩니다.
왜 이 부분을 Add Special Folder의 팝업 메뉴에 넣지 않았을까요?
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