이가을에 동유.. | 롤롤 http://blog.naver.com/lollol1246/100010946141 1000000 -> 1,000,000식으로 변환해주는 함수 GetNumberFormat The GetNumberFormat function formats a number string as a number string customized for a specified locale. int GetNumberFormat( LCID Locale, // locale for which string is to be formatted DWORD dwFlags, // bit flag that controls the function's operation LPCTSTR lpValue, // pointer to input number string CONST NUMBERFMT *lpFormat, // pointer to a formatting information structure LPTSTR lpNumberStr, // pointer to output buffer int cchNumber // size of output buffer ); static NUMBERFMT nFmt = { 0, 0, 3, ",", ".", 0 }; CString CMainFrame::GetNumberFormatFileSize(int nFileSize) { TCHAR szVal[32]; TCHAR szOut[32]; CString strReturn = _T(""); wsprintf ( szVal,"%d",nFileSize/1000 ); GetNumberFormat ( NULL, NULL, szVal, &n...